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RealmBaseAdapter with section headers

I'm trying to use the realm data store for Android and i'm trying to build an application that shows the user a list of options in a ListView, kind of like the users contact list. The first letter for each section (such as A, B, C, etc.) should be a header. Is there a way to achieve this with RealmBaseAdapter?

Currently I have it working with ArrayAdapter and I simply have an array with values populated but would like to pull data from Realm using its adapter if possible. I know in iOS this is fairly straight forward using the NSFetchedResultsController. How do we break up the RealmResults into sections?


  • RealmBaseAdapter doesn't work with ExpandableListAdapter (which I am assuming you are using for sections?), so right now your only choice is creating your own implementation. But a RealmResults is also a List so it should work seamlessly with an ArrayAdapter.

    You can also see more details here: