What I want to do is that in ace-editor, each time when I finished typing a keyword, a function can be called automatically.
For example, I TYPE the keyword "new" in ace-editor. After I finished typing, an alert function will be called and say "you have typed the keyword 'new'".
you could use change listener or beforeEndOperation listener, and use something like
editor.on("beforeEndOperation", function(e) {
if (editor.curOp.docChanged && editor.curOp.command.name == "insertstring") {
var pos = editor.getCursorPosition();
var token = editor.session.getTokenAt(pos.row, pos.column);
if (token && token.type == "keyword") {
"Hey there!",
"This is me, the most annoying editor feature evar.",
"Just wanted to let you know, that you have typed a keyword",