I am using Glass Mapper v4 with Autofac and cant figure out how to make it work with the Language Item Fall back module. There are examples of creating a class that implements IObjectConstructionTask
(see below)
public class FallbackCheckTask : IObjectConstructionTask
public void Execute(ObjectConstructionArgs args)
if (args.Result == null)
var scContext = args.AbstractTypeCreationContext as SitecoreTypeCreationContext;
// if the item itself is null, regardless of version, abort
if (scContext.Item == null)
// we could be trying to convert rendering parameters to a glass model, and if so, just return.
if (String.Compare(scContext.Item.Paths.FullPath, "[orphan]/renderingParameters", true) == 0)
// the default glassmapper code would simply abort pipeline if the context items version count for the current langauge was 0
// but this does not take item fallback into account
// added here a check on the fallback extension method GetFallbackItem, recursively (for chained fallback)
// and then if that fallback item is null or it's version count is 0 (and only then) would you go ahead and abort the pipeline
if (scContext.Item.Versions.Count == 0)
var fallBackItem = CheckRecursivelyForFallbackItem(scContext.Item);
if (fallBackItem == null)
else if (fallBackItem.Versions.Count == 0)
// in the case of chained fallback, eg fr-CA -> en-CA -> en
// could be that the middle languages don't have versions either, but DO have a fallback item
// therefore, must check back further until either a version is found, or there are no more fallback items
private Item CheckRecursivelyForFallbackItem(Item thisItem)
var fallBackItem = thisItem.GetFallbackItem();
if (fallBackItem != null)
if (fallBackItem.Versions.Count == 0)
fallBackItem = CheckRecursivelyForFallbackItem(fallBackItem);
return fallBackItem;
Then you register (with Castle Windsor)
public static void CastleConfig(IWindsorContainer container){
var config = new Config();
// config.EnableCaching = false;
container.Install(new SitecoreInstaller(config));
I am using Autofac and do not know how to perform the same action as above and assure it happens in the right order. I am registering my types the typical way (See below) but it doesn't seem to be hooking my FallbackCheckTask
public static void Register()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
// register our types
// build and set the resolver
var container = builder.Build();
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new AutofacDependencyResolver(container));
I also have the Language Item Fallback wired up and working as expected if glass is not involved in fetching the items values. I understand why Glass is not mapping the data out of the box, I just cant seem to get the fix working. Any thoughts?
EDIT 2015-05-21 19:00
I edited GlassMapperScCustom.cs
as follows:
public static IDependencyResolver CreateResolver(){
var config = new Glass.Mapper.Sc.Config();
var resolver = new DependencyResolver(config);
resolver.ObjectConstructionFactory.Add(() => new FallbackCheckTask());
return resolver;
And now its calling the Execute
method of the the FallbackCheckTask
only if there is a version of the item, if there is no version its not calling the method. Also, no matter what I do if I enable this Task my test query items always come back as NULL:
var test = SitecoreContext.QuerySingle<Item>("{7A6D933A-127B-4C08-B073-7C39F16EBD06}");
var test1 = SitecoreContext.Query<Item>("{7A6D933A-127B-4C08-B073-7C39F16EBD06}").ToList();
var test2 = SitecoreContext.GetCurrentItem<Item>();
var test3 = SitecoreContext.GetItem<Item>("{7A6D933A-127B-4C08-B073-7C39F16EBD06}");
So to sum it up, I am a little better off now then I was before but when the task class is registered queries come back as null for all items no matter if they have a version or not. As mentioned before, any help is appreciated.
I know you mentioned that you were using the VersionCountDisabler
but does it look like this:
using(new VersionCountDisabler()){
var test = SitecoreContext.QuerySingle<Item>("{7A6D933A-127B-4C08-B073-7C39F16EBD06}");
var test1 = SitecoreContext.Query<Item>("{7A6D933A-127B-4C08-B073-7C39F16EBD06}").ToList();
var test2 = SitecoreContext.GetCurrentItem<Item>();
var test3 = SitecoreContext.GetItem<Item>("{7A6D933A-127B-4C08-B073-7C39F16EBD06}");
Or are you disabling it in some other manner?
I also notice that your fallback code doesn't seem to update the scContent.Item
property. I think you need to update it to the following:
public class FallbackCheckTask : IObjectConstructionTask
public void Execute(ObjectConstructionArgs args)
if (args.Result == null)
var scContext = args.AbstractTypeCreationContext as SitecoreTypeCreationContext;
// if the item itself is null, regardless of version, abort
if (scContext.Item == null)
// we could be trying to convert rendering parameters to a glass model, and if so, just return.
if (String.Compare(scContext.Item.Paths.FullPath, "[orphan]/renderingParameters", true) == 0)
// the default glassmapper code would simply abort pipeline if the context items version count for the current langauge was 0
// but this does not take item fallback into account
// added here a check on the fallback extension method GetFallbackItem, recursively (for chained fallback)
// and then if that fallback item is null or it's version count is 0 (and only then) would you go ahead and abort the pipeline
if (scContext.Item.Versions.Count == 0)
var fallBackItem = CheckRecursivelyForFallbackItem(scContext.Item);
if (fallBackItem == null)
else if (fallBackItem.Versions.Count == 0)
//don't just return but update the scContext.Item to the fallback item
scContext.Item = fallbackItem;
// in the case of chained fallback, eg fr-CA -> en-CA -> en
// could be that the middle languages don't have versions either, but DO have a fallback item
// therefore, must check back further until either a version is found, or there are no more fallback items
private Item CheckRecursivelyForFallbackItem(Item thisItem)
var fallBackItem = thisItem.GetFallbackItem();
if (fallBackItem != null)
if (fallBackItem.Versions.Count == 0)
fallBackItem = CheckRecursivelyForFallbackItem(fallBackItem);
return fallBackItem;