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Berkshelf vendoring of cookbook on private Bitbucket repository

I'm pulling my hair out trying to get Berkshelf to download a company cookbook from our private BitBucket (git) repository. This is on a Windows 8.1 host.

I found this question and have attempted what was described in the answer. I also played around with the instructions Atlassian advises about here and especially on their page about ssh for multiple identities.

  • I have generated a public key with puttygen and added it as a deployment key to Bitbucket repo.
  • I saved the private key in C:\Users\MyUser\.ssh\mykey.ppk.
  • I added C:\Users\MyUser\.ssh\config with the following contents:

    Host mycompany HostName IdentityFile ~/.ssh/mykey.ppk

  • I try to include the cookbook in berksfile like this:

    cookbook 'mycookbook', git: "git@mycompany:myteam/mycookbook.git", protocol: :ssh

When I run $ berks install -d I get:

Fetching 'mycookbook' from git@mycompany:myteam/mycookbook.git (at master)
Enter passphrase for key '/c/Users/MyUser/.ssh/mykey.ppk':
Git error: command `git clone git@mycompany:myteam/mycookbook.git "C:/Users/MyUser/.berkshelf/.cache/git/6d5b957656d1bda26bf05aea558176c86db263f2" --bare --no
-hardlinks` failed. If this error persists, try removing the cache directory at 'C:/Users/MyUser/.berkshelf/.cache/git/6d5b957656d1bda26bf05aea558176c86db263f2'.Output from the command:

Cloning into bare repository 'C:/Users/MyUser/.berkshelf/.cache/git/6d5b957656d1bda26bf05aea558176c86db263f2'...
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Any idea why this is not working?

Do I have to replace 'git' in front of the @ with my user name?

Also - note that it asks me for the passphrase of the ppk, which I just confirm with `enter' as I left it blank. But shouldn't it just read it without prompting for it?


  • Here are a couple of suggestions:

    • Make sure that the environment variable HOME is set to C:\Users\MyUser when you are running the berks command.
    • Use a full path for the private key

      Host mycompany
      IdentityFile /C/User/MyUser/.ssh/mykey.ppk
    • try and use rsa keys instead of private putty keys (ppk)

      ssh-keygen -t rsa

    (reference the private key in IdentityFile: the id_rsa one, add the public one to the BitBucket repo)

    The OP phpphil confirms in the comments:

    Turned out the last point fixed it - I used the puttygen user interface to export the key Conversions -> Export OpenSSH key as, then simply changed the config to IdentityFile ~/.ssh/
    It worked with the relative path as well.