Actually I m begineer to SQL XML path as so making me professional, Got a scenario... I have a CTE Function That results as
Data Chars NumberOfOccurance
12 1 1 appears (1 ) times
12 2 2 appears (1 ) times
xx x x appears (2 ) times
and CTE function is :
;with cte as
select Data , SUBSTRING(Data,1,1) as Chars,1 as startpos from @t
union all
select Data, SUBSTRING(Data, startpos+1,1) as char,startpos+1 from cte where startpos+1<=LEN(data)
select Data,Chars,Cast(Chars as varchar(1)) + ' appears (' + cast(COUNT(*) as varchar(5))+ ' ) times' as 'NumberOfOccurance' from cte
group by data, chars
Actually I just want to make my answer into this :
data Number_of_occurances
12 1 appears (1) times 2 appears (1) times
xx x appears (2) times
I have tries this :
; With Ctea as
select Data , SUBSTRING(Data,1,1) as Chars,1 as startpos from @t
union all
select Data, SUBSTRING(Data, startpos+1,1) as char,startpos+1 from ctea where startpos+1<=LEN(data)
select Data,Chars,REPLACE((SELECT (Cast(Chars as varchar(1)) + ' appears (' + cast(COUNT(*) as varchar(5))+ ' ) times') AS [data()] FROM Ctea t2 WHERE t2.Data = FOR XML PATH('')), ' ', ' ;') As Number_of_occurances from ctea as t1
group by, t1.Chars
It says :
Column 'Ctea.Chars' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
when I use temp table and getting my exact answer , but cant do it CTE
Can anyone make my result ?
You can use FOR XML PATH
like this for concatenation
;with cte as
select Data , SUBSTRING(Data,1,1) as Chars,1 as startpos from @t
union all
select Data, SUBSTRING(Data, startpos+1,1) as char,startpos+1 from cte where startpos+1<=LEN(data)
), CTE2 AS
select Data,Chars,Cast(Chars as varchar(1)) + ' appears (' + cast(COUNT(*) as varchar(5))+ ' ) times' as 'NumberOfOccurance' from cte
group by data, chars
SELECT Data,(SELECT NumberOfOccurance + ' ' FROM CTE2 c2 WHERE c2.Data = C1.Data FOR XML PATH(''),type).value('.','VARCHAR(MAX)') as Number_of_occurances