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How to manage Zend session save handler using Zend?

I want to save zend session in memcache rather than files bases session management. I have correctly added memcache.dll file in Windows 8 x64 system and check that memcache is working fine and have also installed memcached and windows services showing memcached Server running.

I have searched so far for managing Zend session save handler class. I found one good, may be best in my search, article by Mike Willbanks and here is a link. Also I am pasting here that class name of Zend session save handler which is using Memcache.

class Zend_Session_SaveHandler_Cache implements Zend_Session_SaveHandler_Interface {

Have anybody implemented this session save handler before? If yes then please help me.

Would you please share Zend session save handler a class, what your using, application.ini settings and Bootstrap.php settings?

Thanks in advance.


  • I found a solution to manage sessions for sub domains.

    What I did is I placed below three lines in .htaccess file to manage sessions on Memcache rather than files based sessions. That means no need to make changes in php.ini file.

    Memcache option

    php_value session.cookie_domain "{your_domain}"
    php_value session.save_handler "memcache"
    php_value session.save_path "tcp://{host}:11211" #

    By doing this no need to write separate handler for sessions management.

    Memcached option

    In Memcached there is slight different to specify save_path like below.

    php_value session.cookie_domain "{your_domain}"
    php_value session.save_handler "memcached"
    php_value session.save_path "{host}:11211" #

    Make sure that Memcached server is running.

    I found little more performance while accessing session from Memcache or Memcached instead of accessing session from files based approach.