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Could not find implicit parameter in companion class

I have a Number Wrapper like this

class NumWrapper[A<:AnyVal](var v: A)(implicit n:Numeric[A]) {
  def +(other: A): NumWrapper[A] = {
    new NumWrapper(, other))

  def -(other: A): NumWrapper[A] = {
    new NumWrapper(n.minus(v, other))

All work fine. But when I want to have the implicit conversion, i create a companion class as followed:

object NumWrapper {
  implicit def toNumWrapper[A<:AnyVal](v: A) = new NumWrapper[A](v)

But I have the error at compilation:

could not find implicit value for parameter n: Numeric[A]

What is wrong here ? Why it is trying to find the implicit match for type A at compilation?

Thank you very much for your help.


  • Implicit checks in Scala are performed at compile time (it is a statically typed language). If the compiler can't identify a single, unambiguous, matching implicit value that will be available at the calling location, it complains.

    One way you can fix this here is to add the implicit requirement to the toNumWrapper method:

    object NumWrapper {
      implicit def toNumWrapper[A<:AnyVal](v: A)(implicit n:Numeric[A]) = new NumWrapper[A](v)

    This pushes the requirment for an implicit Numeric out to the location where the implicit conversion is required, eg, in the console, I could then write:

    scala> val chk1 = 3L
    chk1: Long = 3
    scala> val chk2 = NumWrapper.toNumWrapper(chk1)
    chk2: NumWrapper[Long] = NumWrapper@1e89017a

    And the compiler is happy because (I think - not entirely sure of this) the Long value carries its own implicit Numeric[Long] with it.