How to force Visual Studio (C#) to compile sources according to ECMA-334 standard?
For example the below code is not valid in ECMA-334 standard:
foreach (var item in custQuery)
Console.WriteLine("Name={0}, Phone={1}", item.Name, item.Phone);
Because var
is not a ECMA-334 standard keyword. I want to VS warns me in these situations.
You can use the "Language Version" option (aka langversion at the command line). It is on the build tab, under advanced options. You would select ISO-2 for this case.
Note that this is not a backwards compatibility mode. It merely bars you from using features that became available in versions newer than the specified version.
Eric Lippert has a detailed explanation of the use and purpose of the langversion option.
To note how it is not a full backwards compatibility mode, take this example from the article:
class C
public static bool operator < (C c1, C c2) { return true; }
public static bool operator > (C c1, C c2) { return true; }
public static bool operator < (bool b1, C c2) { return true; }
public static bool operator > (bool b1, C c2) { return true; }
static C H = new C();
static C I = new C();
static C J = new C();
static void G(bool b) { }
static void Main()
G ( H < I > ( J ) );
The setting langversion to C# 1.0 (ISO-1) bars this as a use of generics, but it was legal in that version of the compiler.