In the following decompiled function using Ida pro's Hex rays:
int sub_409650()
int v0; // ecx@1
int result; // eax@1
bool v2; // zf@1
bool v3; // sf@1
unsigned __int8 v4; // of@1
unsigned __int16 v5; // cx@2
unsigned int v6; // ecx@2
v0 = gS1_dword_62EEA8 & 7;
result = gS1_dword_62EEA8 - v0;
v4 = __OFSUB__(gS1_dword_62EEA8 - v0, 16);
v2 = gS1_dword_62EEA8 - v0 == 16;
v3 = gS1_dword_62EEA8 - v0 - 16 < 0;
gS1_dword_62EEA8 -= v0;
gs2_dword_62EFB4 >>= v0;
if ( (unsigned __int8)(v3 ^ v4) | v2 )
v5 = *dword_62EFB0;
v6 = (v5 << result) | gs2_dword_62EFB4;
result += 16;
gs2_dword_62EFB4 = v6;
gS1_dword_62EEA8 = result;
return result;
It calls __OFSUB__
but what does this do? I figured it was something to do with overflow - but if that was true then why isn't the condition:
// Checking if subtracting v0 is 16 or negative?
if ( v3 | v2 )
Update: raw asm is (some stuff renamed now):
.text:00409650 sub_409650 proc near
.text:00409650 mov eax, gBitCounter_62EEA8
.text:00409655 push esi
.text:00409656 mov esi, gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4
.text:0040965C mov ecx, eax
.text:0040965E and ecx, 7
.text:00409661 shr esi, cl
.text:00409663 sub eax, ecx
.text:00409665 cmp eax, 10h
.text:00409668 mov gBitCounter_62EEA8, eax
.text:0040966D mov gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4, esi
.text:00409673 jg short loc_4096A5
.text:00409675 mov edx, gAudioFrameDataPtr
.text:0040967B xor ecx, ecx
.text:0040967D mov cx, [edx]
.text:00409680 add edx, 2
.text:00409683 mov esi, ecx
.text:00409685 mov ecx, eax
.text:00409687 shl esi, cl
.text:00409689 mov ecx, gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4
.text:0040968F mov gAudioFrameDataPtr, edx
.text:00409695 or ecx, esi
.text:00409697 add eax, 10h
.text:0040969A mov gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4, ecx
.text:004096A0 mov gBitCounter_62EEA8, eax
.text:004096A5 loc_4096A5: ; CODE XREF: sub_409650+23j
.text:004096A5 pop esi
.text:004096A6 retn
.text:004096A6 sub_409650 endp
There's nothing much to say about it. HexRays did a pretty bad job decompiling this functions to something legible, but it did not make a mistake.
A quick analysis of the given assembly:
mov eax, gBitCounter_62EEA8 ; eax = gBitCounter_62EEA8
push esi
mov esi, gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4 ; esi = gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, 7
; esi = gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4 >> (gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7)
; i.e, esi got shiftted by the 3 LSB's of gBitCounter_62EEA8
shr esi, cl
; eax = gBitCounter_62EEA8 - (gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7)
sub eax, ecx
cmp eax, 10h
; gBitCounter_62EEA8 -= gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7
mov gBitCounter_62EEA8, eax
; gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4 >>= gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7
mov gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4, esi
; if gBitCounter_62EEA8 > 0x10 { return; }
jg short loc_4096A5
; else... continue work
loc_4096A5: ; CODE XREF: sub_409650+23j
pop esi
A better decompilation would've been:
gBitCounter_62EEA8 -= gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7
gFirstAudioFrameDWORD_dword_62EFB4 >>= gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7
if (gBitCounter_62EEA8 > 0x10)
// rest of code
However, you may notice that HexRays reversed the condition. It has generated this condition:
if ( (unsigned __int8)(
(gBitCounter_62EEA8 - 16 < 0) ^
(__OFSUB__(gBitCounter_62EEA8 - (gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7), 16))) // when this is actually the gBitCounter_62EEA8 var before modifications
(gBitCounter_62EEA8 == 16) )
According to Intel's reference, jg
is taken if ZF = 0 and SF = OF
The condition closely represents it:
Counter == 16
- meaning that ZF = 0
so the jg
is not takenEither Counter < 16 XOR __OFSUB__(gBitCounter_62EEA8 - (gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7), 16)
, which means:
Counter < 16
(let's call it A) - which means SF=1
__OFSUB__(gBitCounter_62EEA8 - (gBitCounter_62EEA8 & 7), 16)
(let's call is B) which means OF=1
If A=true
and B=false
it means SF=1,OF=0 => SF!=OF
. If A=false
and B=true
it means SF=0,OF=1 = > SF!=OF
, which means that if A^B
then SF!=OF
, which means that if A^B => jg not taken
And generally, if the jg
is not taken, then "rest of code" is to be executed.
I hope that helped your understanding of HexRays behavior. It's decompilation was correct but very redundant (it didn't clear away a lot of garbage that it could) and it couldn't predict the appropriate way to determine the conditions (it took the more "difficult" path)