I am trying to run a simple hello world project on my Gear S. I am following the tutorial provided by tizen developer and this website.
My problem is, it seems impossible to connect my device to the computer. I have connected the gear S to the computer, and I can actually browse its files in explorer. But when I hit run
button in Tizen IDE, it gives me the following error:
"There is no target to lunch"
I would like to get things working, even with a simple hello world project. I would appreciate it if you could help me with this.
Did you go through the parts about creating a developer certificate and getting a device profile? This is the one thing that trips up developers because it's not immediately obvious from the tizen site. Turning on USB debugging, like you would do on Android, is not enough as the Tizen platform does not allow self-signed apps, even for testing.
You need to create a signing certificate, then create a device profile. Both of these steps require logging into the Samsung developer site. When you get the responses (via email), sign the profile with the certificate. After that is successful, you download the signed profile to the device using the Eclipse tools or a command line with sdb. Once all that is completed, you have a target to launch.
I have a similar answer on this thread. At that thread, I reference a set of slides I presented at a developer conference in November that walks through this scenario.
Good luck