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Push notification arguments localization

I know that it is possible to localize the message and title of a push notification, using title-loc-key, title-loc-args and loc-key, loc-args. So, that the system searches for the localized-title-formatted-string(title-loc-key) in the app bundle and substitutes the format-specifiers with title-loc-args.

My questions would be that is it possible to localize the arguments of a push notification? So that the system substitutes the format-specifiers of the formatted-string with the localized title-loc-args(arguments substituted with the localized values found in the app bundle).

For example:


`title-loc-key`= "localization_key_shipping"
`title-loc-args`= ["localization_key_headset"]

Localization En:

"localization_key_shipping" = "Your %@ is ready for shipping"
"localization_key_headset" = "headset";

Can I make this work to see "Your headset is ready for shipping" ?

Thanks for all of your advices and comments.


  • No, your server side code is expected to feed in localized text for arguments. See Apple docs.