I would like to plot goups for my ordination using the function ordihull in vegan. However I have some sites with only one occurence. Using ordihull this sites do not appear in the plot. See the example below, when only one site has BF as management. What I would like to have is a BF label where the one remaining BF management site is located in the ordination plot.
#remove all but one row with BF as management
dune <- dune[-c(2,11),]
dune.env <- dune.env[-c(2,11),]
mod <- cca(dune ~ Management, dune.env)
plot(mod, type="n", scaling = 3)
pl <- ordihull(mod, Management, scaling = 3, label = TRUE)
ignores groups with a single observation and thus doesn't populate the group centroids object with the centre of the convex hull. You could argue it should; I'll need to take this up with Jari and see if we can fix this.
To solve the problem, you have to add the location of the single observation in a secondary step using the text()
method. [With the correct removal of all bar one of the BF
observations -- -c(2,11)
] the following does what you want:
plot(mod, type="n", scaling = 3)
with(dune.env, ordihull(mod, Management, scaling = 3, label = TRUE))
text(mod, labels = Management, select = Management == "BF",
scaling = 3, display = "sites"))
This is made trivial because you can specify select
to choose to plot on the one observation with Management == "BF"