I'm trying to learn how load, modify and save images using JuicyPixels version I have the following code:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Codec.Picture
imageCreator :: String -> IO ()
imageCreator path = writePng path $ generateImage pixelRenderer 250 300
where pixelRenderer x y = PixelRGB8 (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) 128
loadSampleImage path = case decodePng path of
Left errorMsg -> putStrLn errorMsg
Right sampleImage -> putStrLn "Loaded Successfully"
main = do
imageCreator "test.png"
loadSampleImage "test.png"
The imageCreator
function is taken with a slight modification from the JuicyPixels documentation: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/JuicyPixels- The modification was the addition of the two calls to fromIntegral
, as this example did not compile without them. (It seems strange to me that an example in the documentation wouldn't compile, so if I'm doing something stupid, please let me know)
Running this program will create an image called "test.png" and will print:
Invalid PNG file, signature broken
which is presumably the error message coming from the call to decodePng
. I have tried this with a few other PNGs, one that I created in Gimp, and another that I created in MS paint. I did so by removing the imageCreator "test.png"
line from my main function, to avoid overwriting the images I wanted to test.
What should I change in order to load PNG images?
loadSampleImage path = case decodePng path of
You're trying to literally decode the string "test.png" as a PNG. You want readPng
, not decodePng
. (Or you can just use readImage
and not care about what format the file is in.)