class Dog {
String name
String type
static hasMany = [snacks:Snack]
class Snack {
String name;
String protein;
Boolean vegetarian;
dogInstance.addToSnacks(new Snack(name: "Dog Yums", protein: "Pork", vegetarian: false);
dogInstance.addToSnacks(new Snack(name: "Super Tasty Snack", protein: "Beef", vegetarian: false);
dogInstance.addToSnacks(new Snack(name: "Woofles", protein: null, vegetarian: true); true)
I expect the database table for snacks to have the snack entries in the order they were added. Instead, they end up reversed in the database. Any idea why this is happening? I am using an MSSQL database to store the data.
What I Except
id: 1, name: Dog Yums, protein: Pork, vegetarian: False
id: 2, name: Super Tasty Snack, protein: Beef, vegetarian: False
id: 3, name: Dog Yums, protein: null, vegetarian: True
What I Get
id: 1, name: Dog Yums, protein: null, vegetarian: True
id: 2, name: Super Tasty Snack, protein: Beef, vegetarian: False
id: 3, name: Dog Yums, protein: Pork, vegetarian: False
By default GORM (Hibernate actually) does not guarantee the order of the collection. If you need the collection to be in a specific order you will need to specify this collection as a List<T>
such as:
class Dog {
String name
String type
List<Snack> snacks
static hasMany = [snacks:Snack]