I am new to javascript trying out cordova which heavily makes use of the module require(). I went through some tutorials for this like here . I tried out a very simple example from this tutorial and there is something missing it seems.
This is my html code.
var abc = require("js/greeting.js");
function mod() {
var g = abc.sayHelloInEnglish();
console.log("reached the call");
document.getElementById("modl").innerHTML = g;
console.log("error is" + err.message);
<button onclick="mod()">click</button>
This is the code for my greeting.js
//var exports = module.exports = {};
exports.sayHelloInEnglish = function() {
return "HELLO";
exports.sayHelloInSpanish = function() {
return "Hola";
When I click on the button click, it gives an error that abc is not defined. Is there something I am missing here to use the module? Thanks a lot.
Actually module.require
is not for browser. You can't use it like you do right inside script
-tag. The require
is for node.js (server-side javascript).
If you want to use it inside a browser you should use preprocessing. For example you can use browserify.
To learn more - great 3 min video CommonJS modules