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Slim tag inside another tag

I'm looking for cleaner solution, more Slim like, to write tag inside tag, this is what I have so far:

td = "#{p.created_at.to_formatted_s(:long)} <small>(#{time_ago_in_words(p.created_at)} ago)</small>".html_safe

Code above works fine - generate output I want, but doesn't look clean for me. I've tried rewrite it to eRuby

<td><%= p.created_at.to_formatted_s(:long) %> <small><%= time_ago_in_words(p.created_at) %> ago)</small></td>

And then convert it to Slim using Erb2Slim converter

  = p.created_at.to_formatted_s(:long)
     = time_ago_in_words(p.created_at)
     | ago)

After that it doesn't show small tag and its content, any idea how and what is the best way to write above code in Slim?


  • Seems like you have a problem with indents (spaces). Try to use the following indents:

        = p.created_at.to_formatted_s(:long)
          | (
          = time_ago_in_words(p.created_at)
          | ago)

    Note: in 3rd line 2 spaces needed after the pipe