Has anybody tried using the AdminLTE Theme with yii2-user extension? The login to the admin page didn't work for me. I am using localhost for frontend and localhost/admin for backend. The frontend is working fine but I couldn't get it work for backend due to the AdminLTE theme. Any clues?
I suspect the issue is in the below code snippet. It is using the default SitController rather than the AdminController from the yii2-user extension.
The below code is from backend/view/layout/main.php
if (Yii::$app->controller->action->id === 'login') {
echo $this->render(
['content' => $content]
Adding the below config in the backend main.conf fixed my issue.
'user' => [
// following line will restrict access to admin page
'class' => 'dektrium\user\Module',
'as backend' => 'dektrium\user\filters\BackendFilter',
**'controllers' => ['profile', 'recovery', 'registration', 'settings'],**