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Input without echo with Irvine32.lib

So what I need to accomplish is validate that the integer entered is within the accepted values (1-4) and not prompt the user that it is incorrect, rather wait until a valid entry is made. (If, Repeat or While statements are not allowed for this program )I have done so by using:

mov edx,OFFSET prompt           ;Prompt user for integer entry
    call WriteString
    Redo:                       ;Validate the integer
        call ReadInt
        cmp al,1                ;Wait for valid entry if integer is less than 1
        jl Redo
        cmp al,4                ;Wait for valid entry if integer is greater than 4
        jg Redo

However, my professor has mentioned that the input should be pre-checked and not displayed. Is this possible? Since you will be typing in the input, how do they just disappear? I have no idea how to do this or where to even start. It took me forever just to figure out how I was going to get the program to wait for valid entry and now have found out that I'm doing it wrong anyways. Can someone give me some pointers? Or a nudge in the right direction?

Here is the full code for the lock simulation.


prompt BYTE 'Please press a button (1,2,3, or 4):', 0       
report1 BYTE 'The lock 2s count = 0', 0         
report2 BYTE 'The lock 2s count = 1', 0
report3 BYTE 'The lock 2s count = 2', 0
report4 BYTE 'The lock 2s count = 3', 0
report5 BYTE 'The lock is open!', 0

main PROC
; Main program control procedure.
; Calls: DisplayMessage, GetButtonPress, Crlf, 
;       WriteString

Start:                          ;Beginning of the lock simulation
    call DisplayMessage         ;Display the starting lock 2s count
    call Crlf                   ;New line
    call GetButtonPress         ;Get user button choice
    cmp al, 1                   ;If user choice is 1 jump to State0
    je State0 
    cmp al, 2                   ;If user choice is 2 jump to State1
    je State1
    cmp al, 3                   ;If user choice is 3 jump to State0
    je State0
    cmp al, 4                   ;If user choice is 4 jump to State2
    je State2

State0:                         ;When the lock 2s count equals 0
    mov al, 0                   ;Make the AL register equal to 0 for message display
    call DisplayMessage         ;Display lock 2s count
    call Crlf                   ;New line
    call GetButtonPress         ;Get user button choice
    cmp al, 1                   ;If user choice is 1 jump to State0
    je State0
    cmp al, 2                   ;If user choice is 2 jump to State1
    je State1
    cmp al, 3                   ;If user choice is 3 jump to State0
    je State0
    cmp al, 4                   ;If user choice is 4 jump to State2
    je State2

State1:                         ;When the lock 2s count equals 1
    mov al,1                    ;Make the AL register equal to 1 for message display
    call DisplayMessage         ;Display lock 2s count
    call Crlf                   ;New line
    call GetButtonPress         ;Get user button choice
    cmp al, 1                   ;If user choice is 1 jump to State0
    je State0 
    cmp al, 2                   ;If user choice is 2 jump to State2
    je State2
    cmp al, 3                   ;If user choice is 3 jump to State0
    je State0
    cmp al, 4                   ;If user choice is 4 jump to State3
    je State3

State2:                         ;When the lock 2s count equals 2
    mov al,2                    ;Make the AL register equal to 2 for message display
    call DisplayMessage         ;Display lock 2s count
    call Crlf                   ;New line
    call GetButtonPress         ;Get user button choice
    cmp al, 1                   ;If user choice is 1 jump to State1
    je State1 
    cmp al, 2                   ;If user choice is 2 jump to State3
    je State3
    cmp al, 3                   ;If user choice is 3 jump to Terminal
    je Terminal
    cmp al, 4                   ;If user choice is 4 jump to State3
    je State3

State3:                         ;When the lock 2s count equals 3
    mov al,3                    ;Make the AL register equal to 3 for message display
    call DisplayMessage         ;Display lock 2s count
    call Crlf                   ;New line
    call GetButtonPress         ;Get user button choice
    cmp al, 1                   ;If user choice is 1 jump to State2
    je State2 
    cmp al, 2                   ;If user choice is 2 jump to State3
    je State3
    cmp al, 3                   ;If user choice is 3 jump to State0
    je State0
    cmp al, 4                   ;If user choice is 4 jump to State3
    je State3

    mov edx, OFFSET report5     ;Declare the lock as open
    call WriteString

    exit                        ;exit to operating system
main ENDP

GetButtonPress PROC
; Prompts the user for button entry 
; Receives: None 
; Returns: An integer value to the AL register
; Calls: WriteString, ReadInt
    mov edx,OFFSET prompt       ;Prompt user for integer entry
    call WriteString
    Redo:                       ;Validate the integer
        call ReadInt
        cmp al,1                ;Wait for valid entry if integer is less than 1
        jl Redo
        cmp al,4                ;Wait for valid entry if integer is greater than 4
        jg Redo
GetButtonPress ENDP

DisplayMessage PROC
; Displays the appropriate message concerning the lock 2s count
; Receives: The integer value in the AL register
; Returns: Nothing
; Calls: WriteString
    cmp al,0                    ;Compare 1-3 to the AL register to display the proper message
    je Message1
    cmp al, 1
    je Message2
    cmp al, 2
    je Message3
    cmp al, 3
    je Message4

    Message1:                   ;If AL = 0 then the lock 2s count is 0
        mov edx,OFFSET report1
        call WriteString
        jmp Quit

    Message2:                   ;If AL = 1 then the lock 2s count is 1
        mov edx,OFFSET report2
        call WriteString
        jmp Quit

    Message3:                   ;If AL = 2 then the lock 2s count is 2
        mov edx,OFFSET report3
        call WriteString
        jmp Quit

    Message4:                   ;If AL = 3 then the lock 2s count is 3
        mov edx,OFFSET report4
        call WriteString

    Quit:                       ;Return to main PROC
DisplayMessage ENDP

END main


  • I figured it out - I actually needed to read the numbers as characters and use the author's ReadChar procedure instead as it does not echo to the screen.

    I changed this section to:

    GetButtonPress PROC
    ; Prompts the user for button entry 
    ; Receives: None 
    ; Returns: A character value to the AL register
    ; Calls: WriteString, ReadChar
        mov edx,OFFSET prompt       ;Prompt user for integer entry
        call WriteString
        call ReadChar
        cmp al,'1'
        jl Redo
        cmp al,'4'
        jg Redo
        call WriteChar
    GetButtonPress ENDP