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returning false gets true and vise versa

I have a really strange behavior in one of my methods.

 boolean checkMapObjects(Vector2 enemypos, Vector2 playerpos) {
    MapLayers layers = map.getLayers();
    for (int i = 0; i < layers.getCount(); i++) {
        MapLayer layer = layers.get(i);
        if (layer.getName().contains("collision")) {
            for (MapObject obj : layer.getObjects()) {
                Rectangle rect = ((RectangleMapObject) obj).getRectangle();
                float[] vects = {rect.getX(), rect.getY(), rect.getX(), rect.getY() + rect.height,
                        rect.getX() + rect.width, rect.getY() + rect.height, rect.getX() + rect.width, rect.getY()};

                if (Intersector.intersectLinePolygon(enemypos, playerpos, new Polygon(vects)))
                    return true;
    return false;

First: the function also uses the last return statement, but thats not the main-issue. What really surpises me is that function inverts the returned value. If I call it from an other function like this

boolean wtf=checkMapObjects(enemypos, playerpos);

wtf will always be the inverse value of what SHOULD be returned. can anyone tell me why?
Just for testing I tried returning true instead of false, but again the value is inverted


  • Found it, the enemy collided with a wall... because I needed to use Segement not line^^