i have developed a portal using Liferay.I have two kind of users, guest user and Admin user. The login should be possible by the Admin only. The guest user should not be able to login , or even see the sign in button. How do i achieve this? through different url's?
You might consider the following approach: Remove the login portlet from the theme template. (portal-normal.vm) Create a hidden page on your Guest group. On this page you place only the login portlet. So only the people who know the direct URL are able to login. AFAIK there is no other way to achieve this, as you don't know if someone is an Admin before he entered his credentials ;)
[EDIT] To remove the login portlet from the template you have to do the following steps: A) If you don't have a custom theme - Create a new Theme - Parent of your new theme is classic - Place portal_normal.vm in /docroot/_diffs/templates - Remove these lines:
#if (!$is_signed_in)
<a data-redirect="$is_login_redirect_required" href="$sign_in_url" id="sign-in" rel="nofollow">$sign_in_text</a>
That should remove the login link. - Compile and deploy your theme - Assign the theme to the portal as default theme. Assign the theme to your guest group Site.
Now you only have to create your hidden page and place the login portlet on it. [/EDIT]