We have a (fairly typical?) arrangement for a multilingual Symfony CMF website, where resource paths are prefixed by the desired locale—for example:
; andhttp://www.example.com/fr/voie/à/ressource-française.html
.We are using RoutingAutoBundle to store such routes in the content repository, and DynamicRouter to utilise them: simple and easy.
If a GET
request arrives without a locale prefix, we would like to:
The first part is an obvious candidate for LuneticsLocaleBundle, with router
higher in its guessing order than our desired fallback methods: again, simple and easy.
However, how best to implement the second part is a little less obvious. Currently we have configured Symfony's default/static router to have a lower priority in the routing chain than DynamicRouter, and have therein configured a controller as follows:
* @Route("/{path}", requirements={"path" = "^(?!(en|fr)(/.*)?$)"})
* @Method({"GET"})
public function localeNotInUriAction()
$request = this->getRequest();
. $request->getLocale() // set by Lunetics
. $request->getRequestUri()
But this feels rather hacky and I'm on the search for something "cleaner".
Initially I thought to modify LuneticsLocaleBundle so that it would fire an event whenever a guesser determines the locale, thinking that if it was not the RouterLocaleGuesser
then we could infer that the requested URI did not contain a locale. However this clearly isn't the case, since the RouterLocaleGuesser
will only determine the locale if there was a route in the first place—so I'd not have made any progress.
I'm now a bit stuck for any other ideas. Perhaps I'm already doing the right thing after all? If so, then all I need to do is find some way to inject the permitted locales (from the config) into the requirement regex…
we use a custom 404 handler and lunetics:
class: AppBundle\EventListener\ExceptionListener
container: "@service_container"
- { name:"kernel.event_listener", event:kernel.exception, handler:onKernelException }
and the php class
class ExceptionListener
* @var ContainerInterface
protected $container;
public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container)
$this->container = $container;
public function onKernelException(GetResponseForExceptionEvent $event)
if ($this->container->getParameter('kernel.debug')) {
// do not interfere with error handling while debugging
$exception = $event->getException();
if ($exception instanceof NotFoundHttpException) {
// ...
public function handle404(GetResponseForExceptionEvent $event)
$request = $event->getRequest();
if (preg_match('#^\/(de|fr|en)\/#', $request->getPathInfo())) {
// a real 404, these are nicely handled by Twig
// i *think* that the locale is not set on the request, as lunetics comes after routing, and the routing will raise the 404
$bestLang = $this->container->get('lunetics_locale.guesser_manager')->runLocaleGuessing($request);
if (! $bestLang) {
$bestLang = 'de';
$qs = $request->getQueryString();
if (null !== $qs) {
$qs = '?'.$qs;
$url = $request->getSchemeAndHttpHost() . $request->getBaseUrl() . '/' . $bestLang . $request->getPathInfo() . $qs;
$this->redirect($event, $url);
it would be nicer to also check if the target path actually exists - as is, we will redirect /foobar to /de/foobar and display a 404 for that one, which is not that elegant.