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How to write conditional where statement in SAS Proc SQL?

I have a macro that would be used for multiple conditions.

%macro Average(data=, tablename=, element=, variablename=, time =);
      CREATE TABLE &tablename. AS 
      SELECT ID, AVG(&element.) AS &variablename.
      FROM &data.
      WHERE date_time < &time or date_time > &time + 1 /*first where condition*/
      GROUP BY ID;

/*second where condition*/  WHERE &Lower. < date_time < &Upper.
/*third where condition*/   WHERE &BP > 0 and &SP<100

I want to put all these three where statements together into the sql macro instead of copy the macro three times. But how could I realize it?


  • Simply use %if %then %else macro condition, with a new parameter here defined whr:

    %macro Average(data=, tablename=, element=, variablename=, time =, whr=);
        PROC SQL;
        CREATE TABLE &tablename. AS 
        SELECT ID, AVG(&element.) AS &variablename.
        FROM &data.
        %if &whr=1 %then %do;
        WHERE date_time < &time or date_time > &time + 1 /*first where condition*/
        %else %if &whr=2 %then %do;
        WHERE &Lower. < date_time < &Upper.
        %else %if &whr=3 %then %do;
        WHERE &BP > 0 and &SP<100
        %else %put 'NO WHERE SPECIFIED';
        GROUP BY ID;

    If the parameter declaration you specify whr=1, it will be the default value. Using %if %then %else you can also use different condition internal to the macro, I mean if you wanna use the first where statement if some condition is true you can specify them.