Hello I have something like this:
$idads = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['idAds']);
When a button is pressed, a form will appear....
When i refresh the page, the form doesn't disappear, but when i click a link with a query string (thisPage.php?lang=fr...), the form disappears.
I know i m asking the form only if the button is pressed, but how can i ignore the query string.
You might consider using sessions for this behavior. Session data is held between requests so clicking links won't cause the form to disappear.
<input type=submit name=showForm value="Show Form">
<input type=submit name=hideForm value="Hide Form">
if ($_REQUEST['showForm'])
$_SESSION[showForm] = true;
if ($_REQUEST['hideForm'])
$_SESSION[showForm] = false;
if ($_SESSION['showForm'])