I'm trying to get the colspan and rowspan value of the table in wordprocessingML.
Can anyone explain how I can get these two values using openXML?
Finally I found the solution,
private static int CalcColspan(XElement cell)
if (cell.Name != W.tc)
return 0;
return cell.Element(W.tcPr).Element(W.gridSpan) == null ? 1 :
private static int CalcRowspan(XElement cell)
if (cell.Name != W.tc)
return 0;
int rowspan = 1, colNum = 0;
XElement currentRow = cell.Parent;
foreach (XElement tc in cell.NodesBeforeSelf())
colNum += CalcColspan(tc);
bool endOfSpan = false;
foreach (XElement row in currentRow.NodesAfterSelf())
int currentColNum = 0;
foreach (XElement tc in row.Nodes())
if (tc.Name != W.tc)
if (currentColNum == colNum)
if (tc.Element(W.tcPr).Element(W.vMerge) != null)
if ((string)tc.Element(W.tcPr).Element(W.vMerge).Attribute(W.val) != "restart")
endOfSpan = true;
currentColNum += CalcColspan(tc);
if (endOfSpan)
return rowspan;