Server: Apache DS 2.0
Client: Apache Directory Studio 2.0
The problem: I am running into error while importing a LDIF
This one works
This one does not
Error message: #!ERROR [LDAP: error code 32 - NO_SUCH_OBJECT: failed for MessageType : ADD_REQUEST Message ID : 81 Add Request : Entry dn[n]: dc=example,dc=zzz objectClass: dcObject objectClass: organization description: My wonderful company as much text as you want to place in this line up to 32K continuation data for the line above must have <CR> or <CR><LF> i.e. ENTER works on both Windows and *nix system - new line MUST begin with ONE SPACE dc: example o: Example, Inc. : ERR_268 Cannot find a partition for dc=example,dc=zzz]
The difference between the one that works and the one that doesn't work is - I replaced "com" with "zzz"
Note: I did delete the previous entry before importing the new LDIF
What am I missing?
The server should have a partition dc=example,dc=zzz configured first, otherwise server will reject any entry with the above suffix.