In Cloud9 I use the following code and it works.
def LongestWord(sen)
i = 0
cha ="&@%*^$!~(){}|?<>"
new = ""
while i < sen.length
i2 = 0
ch = false
while i2 < cha.length
if sen[i] == cha[i2]
ch = true
i2 += 1
if ch == false
new += sen[i].to_s
i += 1
words = new.split(" ")
longest = ""
idx = 0
count = 0
while idx < words.length
word = words[idx]
if word.length > count
longest = word
count = word.length
idx += 1
# code goes here
return longest
# keep this function call here
# to see how to enter arguments in Ruby scroll down
LongestWord("beautifull word")
In Codebytes in the exercise "Longest Word" you have to use the same STDIN in the arguments. It is the same code but changing the argument but it doesn't work:
def LongestWord(sen)
i = 0
cha ="&@%*^$!~(){}|?<>"
new = ""
while i < sen.length
i2 = 0
ch = false
while i2 < cha.length
if sen[i] == cha[i2]
ch = true
i2 += 1
if ch == false
new += sen[i].to_s
i += 1
words = new.split(" ")
longest = ""
idx = 0
count = 0
while idx < words.length
word = words[idx]
if word.length > count
longest = word
count = word.length
idx += 1
# code goes here
return longest
# keep this function call here
# to see how to enter arguments in Ruby scroll down
I think may be something is creating some kind of conflict with the browser. The output shows a lot of numbers. Can some one help me testing the code?. Any feedback is appreciated, thanks!
Coderbyte is running your code on an old version of Ruby - Ruby 1.8.7
In this version of Ruby, using an index into a string like sen[i]
doesn't return the character at i
, it returns the numeric ASCII value of that character instead. That's where the numbers are coming from.
To get the code to work on Ruby 1.8.7 you can replace some_string[i]
with some_string[i, 1]
- this variation returns the substring of length 1 starting at i
so is the same as the behaviour of some_string[i]
in more recent Ruby versions. See the docs here for more details.