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Data Link Escapes and Other Nonprintable Characters

In a while going through a .cfc file with a sublime text editor, I noticed that 3 characters in a string were highlighted. These characters were "DLE", and the group was treated as one character. I cannot highlight one without highlighting all of them. After doing some research, I believe this is a representation of a Data Link Escape in Sublime. I asked my coworker how he did it, but unfortunately he forgot. It doesn't appear to be an alt code, because alt 16 (the decimal 16 is a Data Link Escape in Ascii) appears as a triangle in sublime. If the string is printed, the "DLE" character looks like this: ┼

I can copy the "DLE" Character, but I do not know how to make one "from scratch".

How is it possible to represent a Data Link Escape in this way in sublime? Can other non print characters be shown/used in a similar fashion?


  • In general these can be created with the chr() function. It is useful for creating many the non printable characters. One of the more common usages is to crea


    As for DLE, you can

    <cfset DLE = chr(16)>

    Another common usage is to create Carriage Return / Line Feed

    <cfset CRLF = Chr(13) & Chr(10)>