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8051 with Keil-C filesize issue using a Megawin processor

I've written a program using Keil C for a MegaWin 8051 MPC82G516A. When I check the file size of the Intel generated hex file it has a size of 8kb (I see the code in the binary code window), but when I go to program the device using Megawin's tool it increases the code size to around 29kb!? Can anyone provide the reason for why it might be doing this?

Also, something else that is strange is the fact that it seems to be writing the code at the top of the processor memory and not at the start. There are like 4 bytes at the start of the code, but the complete rest of it is in the end of the memory.

Please help



  • I was miss-reading the file size on the editor. Also, Keil's free version starts at position 2000Kb. It's part of it's limitations of the evaluation version.