I'm using py2neo (version 1.6). I want to get an existing node by its property from the graph and then use it to create a relationship.
My solution:
graph = neo4j.GraphDatabaseService("http://...")
query = neo4j.CypherQuery(graph,"MATCH (n:NodeType) where n.property = 'property' return n")
r = query.execute()
if len(r.data)==0:
raise Exception("node does not exist")
node = r.data[0]['n']
newNode = batch.create(node(name="APropertyOfNewNode"))
batch.add_labels(newNode, "LableOfNewNode")
relation = rel(node, "relationshipName", newNode)
Is there an high level way to get an existing node by its property without using CypherQuery
and writing plain cypher?
You can use GraphDatabaseService.find:
from py2neo import neo4j
graph = neo4j.GraphDatabaseService('http://localhost:7474/db/data/')
movies = graph.find('Movie', 'title', 'The Matrix')
But graph.find returns a generator object.
# <generator object find at 0x10b64acd0>
So you can only iterate through it once.
for movie in movies:
print type(movie)
print movie['tagline']
# <class 'py2neo.neo4j.Node'>
# Welcome to the Real World