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What's the current (as of April 2010) state of affairs regarding <object> vs <embed> in HTML?

The age old question. <object> vs <embed>. From what I gather, <object> is the XHTML-compliant way of doing things, while <embed> is for legacy support. I'm currently building a Flash application that will contain a pre-made embedding code for users to copy and paste, and I'm wondering if it's feasible to simply dump the <embed> tag altogether.

Which browsers would be unable to load my application if I gave my users an <object>-only embed code?

Thanks :)


  • HTML4/XHTML1 only knows <object> and <applet> for the embedding of multimedia content, though the <embed> tag like the <object> is supported by all common browsers AFAIK.

    With HTML5 <embed> will be included in the specification (in addition to the <object> tag), whereas the <applet> is going to be removed. In addition, there will be new tags like <audio>, <canvas>, <svg> and <video>.

    As far as I understand the HTML5 specs, flash contents can be included with both - <embed> and <object>.