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Intel Threading Building Blocks, source_node of type std::shared_ptr

In short, i have a data source that provides a shared_ptr type. This pointer seems to go directly out of scope in source_node's operator overload. I have added a fully simplified example demonstrating the issue.

My question: what is an elegant why to overcome this problem?

#include <exception>
#include <tbb/concurrent_queue.h>
#include <tbb/flow_graph.h>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>

using namespace tbb::flow;

// Plain Data Object
class Data
    size_t _data;
    Data(size_t d) : _data(d){}


// simpel counting node
class CountingNode
    size_t _count;
    size_t operator()(std::shared_ptr<Data> data)
        if (static_cast<bool>(data)) // <-- PROBLEM always false
            _count += data->_data;

        std::cout << _count << std::endl;
        return _count;
    size_t count() { return _count;}

// Source,
// exhausted when a empty/null shared_ptr is encountered
// our datasource provides a shared_ptr to a data object
class SourceNode

    std::shared_ptr<tbb::concurrent_bounded_queue<std::shared_ptr<Data>>> _queue;
    std::shared_ptr<std::mutex> _mtx;
    bool _started;

    SourceNode() : _started(false)
        _queue = std::shared_ptr<tbb::concurrent_bounded_queue<std::shared_ptr<Data>>>(new tbb::concurrent_bounded_queue<std::shared_ptr<Data>>());
        _mtx = std::shared_ptr<std::mutex>(new std::mutex());

    SourceNode(const SourceNode& other)
        _queue = other._queue;
        _mtx = other._mtx;
        _started = other._started;

    void push(std::shared_ptr<Data> data)

    bool operator ()(std::shared_ptr<Data> data)
        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ul(*_mtx);
            if (!_started)
                _started = true;
                for(size_t idx = 0; idx != 10; ++idx)
                    _queue->push(std::shared_ptr<Data>(new Data(idx)));

                _queue->push(std::shared_ptr<Data>()); // no more data

        return static_cast<bool>(data);

    void close()

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    graph g;
    source_node<std::shared_ptr<Data>> source(g,SourceNode(),false);
    function_node<std::shared_ptr<Data>,int> sink(g,tbb::flow::serial, CountingNode());
    make_edge(source, sink );


    return 0;

If more details need to be provided just let me know.

Kind Regards Auke-Dirk

enter image description here


  • You should accept data argument passed toSourceNode by reference to return updated value to the caller:

    class SourceNode
        bool operator ()(std::shared_ptr<Data>& data)
            return static_cast<bool>(data);

    Otherwise, only local copy of data parameter if updated by operator and further actions are performed on default constructed (empty) value.