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Atomikos rollback doesn't clear JPA persistence context?

I have a Spring/JPA/Hibernate application and am trying to get it to pass my Junit integration tests against H2 and MySQL. Currently I am using Atomikos for transactions and C3P0 for connection pooling.

Despite my best efforts my DAO integration one of the tests is failing with org.hibernate.NonUniqueObjectException. In the failing test I create an object with the "new" operator, set the ID and call persist on it.

public void save_UserTestDataNewObject_RecordSetOneLarger() {
    int expectedNumberRecords = 4;
    User newUser = createNewUser();

    List<User> allUsers = dao.findAll(0, 1000);

    assertEquals(expectedNumberRecords, allUsers.size());

In the previous testmethod I do the same thing (createNewUser() is a helper method that creates an object with the same ID everytime). I am sure that creating and persisting a second object with the same Id is the cause, but each test method is in own transaction and the object I created is bound to a private test method variable. I can even see in the logs that Spring Test and Atomikos are rolling back the transaction associated with each test method.

I would have thought the rollback would have also cleared the persistence context too. On a hunch, I added an a call to dao.clear() at the beginning of the faulty test method and the problem went away!! So rollback doesn't clear the persistence context??? If not, then who does??

My EntityManagerFactory config is as follows:

<bean id="myappTestLocalEmf" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean">
        <property name="persistenceUnitName" value="myapp-core" />
        <property name="persistenceUnitPostProcessors">
            <bean class="com.myapp.core.persist.util.JtaPersistenceUnitPostProcessor">
                <property name="jtaDataSource" ref="myappPersistTestJdbcDataSource" />

        <property name="jpaVendorAdapter">
            <bean class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaVendorAdapter">
                <property name="showSql" value="true" />
                <property name="database" value="$DS{hibernate.database}" />
                <property name="databasePlatform" value="$DS{hibernate.dialect}" />

        <property name="jpaProperties">
                <prop key="hibernate.transaction.factory_class">com.atomikos.icatch.jta.hibernate3.AtomikosJTATransactionFactory</prop>
                <prop key="hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class">com.atomikos.icatch.jta.hibernate3.TransactionManagerLookup</prop>
                <prop key="hibernate.connection.autocommit">false</prop>
                <prop key="hibernate.format_sql">true"</prop>
                <prop key="hibernate.use_sql_comments">true</prop>


  • The problem in this case ended up being that I had an application managed, extended transaction entity manager being injected into my DAOs. The reason for this can be found here:

    Problem creating JPA EntityMananger in Spring Context

    Once I fixed my entity manager -- everything worked.