I'm using accountdown, with accountdown-basic as the plugin (https://www.npmjs.com/package/accountdown), and each account is stored using the LevelDB (https://www.npmjs.com/package/level) key-value store. Right now, the key for each account is a username:
{ key: 'user1',
{ admin: true,
email: 'user1@gmail.com',
username: 'user1',
color: 'rgb(155, 26, 2)' } }
{ key: 'test',
{ admin: true,
color: 'rgb(58, 48, 48)',
email: 'test@test.com',
username: 'test' } }
{ key: 'test2',
{ admin: false,
color: 'rgb(75, 77, 154)',
email: 'test2@test.com',
username: 'test2' } }
but I want to use uuid's instead of a username:
{ key: '03b49d10-ee20-11e4-b966-bfcbf13ae8c2',
{ admin: true,
email: 'user1@gmail.com',
username: 'user1',
color: 'rgb(155, 26, 2)' } }
{ key: '0485a8b0-ee20-11e4-b966-bfcbf13ae8c2',
{ admin: true,
color: 'rgb(58, 48, 48)',
email: 'test@test.com',
username: 'test' } }
{ key: '04eea3b0-ee20-11e4-b966-bfcbf13ae8c2',
{ admin: false,
color: 'rgb(75, 77, 154)',
email: 'test2@test.com',
username: 'test2' } }
How can I change these keys on existing accounts (ie perform a migration)? I'm stuck in my attempt to delete each account and re-create the accounts using uuid as the key, because I must provide the raw password string for my account-basic plugin. It seems that I only have access to each account's salted password's hash. Any suggestions? I'm happy to provide more clarification.
Here is my attempt at writing a script that checks whether each account starts with a uuid, and if so, creates a new account using the uuid as key and deletes the existing account:
var level = require('level');
var uuid = require('uuid').v1;
var each = require('each-async');
var accountdown = require('accountdown');
var sublevel = require('subleveldown');
var accountHandler = require('../handlers/accounts');
var db = level(__dirname + '/../data/db', { valueEncoding: 'json' });
var sheets = require('../models/sheets')(db);
var accountdownAccounts = accountdown(sublevel(db, 'accounts'), {
login: { basic: require('accountdown-basic') }
var accountStream = accountdownAccounts.list();
var accountList = [];
// Convert our stream of accounts into a list:
.on('data', function (data) {
.on('error', function (err) {
return console.log(err);
.on('end', function () {
var uuidRegex = /^([a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12})$/;
// Iterate through the list of accounts, deleting and re-creating all accounts that do not have a uuid as a key
accountList.forEach(function (account) {
// example of account:
// { key: 'user1',
// value:
// { admin: true,
// email: 'user1@gmail.com',
// username: 'user1',
// color: 'rgb(155, 26, 2)' }
// }
if (!uuidRegex.test(account.key) ) {
// Since the account key dd a new account using the uuid key, and remove old account
accountdownAccounts.get(account.key, function (err, accountValue) {
if (err) return console.log("error retrieving test account:", err);
var opts = {
login: {
basic: {
username: accountValue.username,
password: password // I cannot access the password to create a new account!!!
value: accountValue
accountdownAccounts.create(uuid(), opts, function (err) {
if (err) return console.log("err while putting in new account:", err);
accountdownAccounts.remove(account.key, function (err) {
if (err) return console.log("err while deleting old account:", err);
} else {
console.log("Account is valid:", account);
I believe the only way to alter the key in a key-value store like levelDB is to delete and recreate the row.
That being said, accountdown-basic
now has the ability to save accounts under an arbitrary key instead of the default username
. (That option is fairly recent, implement just 2 days ago)