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Memcached / Dalli couldn't fetch data from other servers

We use memcached as session store for our application, we have 2 production servers and the memcached client is dalli ( The config is following:

# Server A
config.cache_store = :dalli_store, '', SERVER_B_IP, {namespace: 'Myapp', expires_in:, compress: true, failover: false}
# Server B
config.cache_store = :dalli_store, SERVER_A_IP, '', {namespace: 'Myapp', expires_in:, compress: true, failover: false}

We're facing a problem that one of our servers seems not to look up the other one to fetching data. For example, if I have data for some_key on server B, when I tried to debug in console:

options = {namespace: 'Myapp', expires_in:, compress: true, failover: false}
# Server A
dalli =['', SERVER_B_IP], options)
dalli.get("some_key") # nil

# Server B
dalli =[SERVER_A_IP, ''], options)
dalli.get("some_key") # { "_csrf_token" => "..." }

I tried with failover: true but still got the same result. But if the key some_key stay on server A, I can get the same data from both servers.

Also, i the above example, if I initialize dalli client with only SERVER_B_IP, i.e dalli =, options), I could get back the data.

Digging the code a little bit, I found out the ring.continuum on server A always point to itself:

# Server B
ring = dalli.send :ring
hkey = ring.send :hash_for, 'some_key'                    # got same hkey
entryidx = ring.send :binary_search, ring.continuum, hkey # 300
ring.continuum[entryidx].server                           # server B
ring.continuum[302].server                                # server A

# Server A
ring = dalli.send :ring
hkey = ring.send :hash_for, 'some_key'                    # got same hkey
entryidx = ring.send :binary_search, ring.continuum, hkey # 302
ring.continuum[entryidx].server                           # server A
ring.continuum[300].server                                # server A

Am I missed some thing in the memcached / dalli config?

Thanks in advance.


  • I had quick look at Daili code base. It uses consistent hashing for distributing keys to servers.

    entry_count_for(server, servers.size, total_weight).times do |idx|
         hash = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("#{}:#{idx}")
         value = Integer("0x#{hash[0..7]}")
         continuum <<, server)


    def entry_count_for(server, total_servers, total_weight)
         ((total_servers * POINTS_PER_SERVER * server.weight) / Float(total_weight)).floor

    The keyspace of each server depends on total servers, weight and server name. So that the keyspace will be different with different total servers or server name. I think that explanation fits your problem.