I'm just getting started with RxScala and came across a few examples. I understand that there is an Observable contract in which the Observer trait is defined as follows:
trait Observer[T] {
def onNext(event: T): Unit
def onError(error: Throwable): Unit
def onCompleted(): Unit
I can subscribe to an Observable stream of events using an Observer. So an Observer is anything that provides implementation for the 3 methods in the Observer trait.
Now, in the following example:
object TimedObservable extends App {
val o = Observable.timer(1.second)
o.subscribe(secs => println(" seconds is " + secs))
I'm creating an Observable event of type Long and in the subscribe call, I only have the onNext covered. What about onError and onCompleted?
Edit: What happens if I do not provide onError and onCompleted handlers? Will I violate any thread semantics?
I had a look at the API documentation:
Looks like there are overloaded versions of the subscribe method.