I am working on a Sublime Text 3 plugin to work with todo.txt todo files, which are flat text files. I am having trouble writing a plugin command that properly works on a selected region. I would like to be able to prepend the date (or an x
) to a selection of rows (each row is a task). Here are the rows before the command.
Task one
Task two
Here is the desired output.
2015-05-26 Task one
2015-05-26 Task two
My command gives this output, but only if I use the multicursor. If I select the region (i.e., highlight with a click-and-drag or CTRL-l
) then I get jumbled output.
2015-05-262015-05-26 Task one
Task two
Is there a way to operate on a selection that is robust to both multicursor and highlighting?
Here is a portion of my plugin.
import sublime, sublime_plugin, time, re
class DateTaskCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
for selectedRegion in self.view.sel():
selectedLines = self.view.lines(selectedRegion)
adjustBy = 0
for line in selectedLines:
insertPoint = line.begin() + adjustBy
prefix = [time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), '']
self.view.insert(edit, insertPoint, ' '.join(prefix))
adjustBy += 1
It seems adjustBy
is the problem. try setting :
adjustBy += len(prefix[0]) + 1
The problem is that the loop does not reset the position of each line between two insert