Thanks to Dave Bennett, I have a great Neo4j query that provides the results I need. I need to get this to work in Neo4JClient. Here's my working Neo4j query:
`// Composite Tile with related users
match (t:Tile{summary:"Test 1"})<-[:ASSIGNED_TO]-(u:User)
with {summary: t.summary,
sprint_id: t.sprint_id,
size: t.size,
percent_done: t.percent_done,
color: t.color_id,
description: t.description,
queue_id: t.queue_id,
swimlane_id: t.swimlane_id,
icons: t.icons,
order: t.order,
assignees: collect(u)} as tile
RETURN collect(tile) as tiles`
Visual Studio and/or Neo4jClient is not very happy with my attempt:
var compositeTile = client.Cypher
.Where((Tile t)=> t.summary == tile.summary)
.With( {
summary: t.summary,
sprint_id: t.sprint_id,
size: t.size,
percent_done: tile.percent_done,
color: t.color,
description: t.description,
queue_id: t.queue_id,
swimlane_id: t.swimlane_id,
icons: t.icons,
Order: t.order,
assignees: collect(u)
} as tile)
.return collect(tile) as tiles;
It just throws lots of red squiggly lines, I suspect because I'm not formatting the .with statement correctly. I haven't been able to find an example, so I'm asking here. How do I do this correctly in Neo4jClient?
So, two answers to your question - the first is that the .With
statement takes a string as a parameter, so you just need to wrap your text with "
(or @"
if you want to keep the formatting). The second answer is more of a problem for you though:
It's not possible to do what you're trying to do with Neo4jClient
- at the moment it doesn't allow you to create anonymous types. It's not able to deserialize the content. I thought it might be a quick fix, but it seems like it would be more involved. So, what we're looking at here is a change of the query.
I presume you have a class called Tile
with the properties you're after. So I would change the query to something like this:
.Where((Tile t) => t.summary == tile.summary)
.Return((t,u) => new {
Tile = t.As<Tile>(),
User = u.CollectAs<User>()
Which will give you a C# anonymous type with a Tile and an IEnumerable<Node<User>>
elements, obviously you want the Users
in your Tile
, so you can then parse the result:
var tiles = new List<Tile>();
foreach (var result in results)
var tile = result.Tile;
foreach (var user in result.Users)
One thing you might find is that you need to initialize the Users
collection, so either add Users = new List<User>()
to your Tile
constructor, or just before parsing the data.