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Sitecore Multiple nodes for rendering datasource

I am using Sitecore 7.2(rev. 140228), I have multiple sites & all of them have their own content store or meta-data. Now I wants to give them choice to select datasource either from own meta-data of other site. Although I know another option to make meta-data global outside of all site but in my case it's not an option.

I have wrote an simple Xpath query:

./ancestor::*[@@templatename="Main section"]/*[@@templatename="SiteFolder"]//*[@@templatename="ContentStore"]

Which return me valid result in Sitecore rocks that I wants as below

enter image description here

But when i updated this in my rendering's data source field it returns just first instead of both.

enter image description here

Is there any way to show multiple datasource here.

Thanks ,


  • There is a bug in early verions of Sitecore 7.x - mutliple roots are not supported for datasource selection.

    The issue was fixed in Sitecore 7.2 rev 140526. Check reference number 389483 in Sitecore 7.2 rev 140526 release notes.

    If you cannot upgrade to the next version, you may want to contact Sitecore Support - I had the same issue and they sent me a patch which worked for me.