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MailBoxer: How should I do make it to send a notification through email?

I am studying a project vish, which has an open source e-Learning platform, in here, if some one comments another one's Excusion, one email will be sent. This ability is finished by using mailboxer.

But when I run a instance of vish locally, for validate mailboxer, I used a task sending some messages between all users, it worked fine, and I can find the new messages in the header's notification dropdown menu, but I did not get a email when I commented some one Excursion like in vishub, and did not get any error message about mailboxer. According to my newbie experience, I guess that I should config a mail server, but I don't know how to config a mail server for mailboxer, it seems that there is no one discuss about it?

What should I do for enabling mailboxer email? Or any manual should I read? Or my question is not relative to mailboxer? Thanks in advance!

Updated: According to @rick's reminding, I read some code of mailboxer:

class NotificationMailer < ActionMailer::Base

It make me clearer about the relationship between ActionMailer and MailBoxer!


  • Email wont't be sent in development unless you set config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = true in environments/development.rb. and also you should use ActionMailer to send email locally. For more information, you can refer this link mailboxer