I have a question about dividing parallel arrays. I'm fairly new to C++. In my program I'm dividing parallel arrays (atBats[] and hits[], and storing the results in an empty array (batAvg[]. When I divide, the new array remains blank even though the other two arrays are holding correct data. I just need to know why the batAvg array is not updating to store the new data.
int main() {
//declare variables and arrays
const int SIZE = 20;
int playerNum[SIZE],
double batAvg[SIZE];
int numberPlayers;
//Load number of players from the loadArrays method
numberPlayers = loadArrays(playerNum, atBats, hits, runs, rbis);
batAverage(atBats, hits, batAvg, numberPlayers);
return 0;
}//end main
int loadArrays(int playerNum[], int atBats[], int hits[], int runs[], int rbis[]) {
//Define variables
int i = 0;
//Open file and read arrays
ifstream inputFile;
//Let user know if the file fails to open
if (inputFile.fail())
cout << "There was an error opening the file.\n";
//Load the arrays from the file and increment count each loop
while (inputFile >> playerNum[i]) {
inputFile >> atBats[i];
inputFile >> hits[i];
inputFile >> runs[i];
inputFile >> rbis[i];
}//end while loop
//Close file and return count as reference to the number of players
return i;
}//end loadArrays method
Everything is fine up to this point, but the batAverage function is where the batAvg array is not storing data correctly. The array reads all zeros, even though it should be storing numbers such as 694, 417, 389, and 488.
void batAverage(int atBats[], int hits[], double batAvg[], int numberPlayers) {
for (int i = 0; i < numberPlayers; i++) {
batAvg[i] = (hits[i] / atBats[i]) * 1000;
}//end for loop
}//end batAverage method
This is the data from the file I am reading into the program:
10 36 25 2 5
2 12 5 0 1
34 18 7 1 0
63 41 20 4 2
12 10 3 1 0
14 2 1 1 1
27 55 27 10 8
8 27 12 3 4
42 32 8 2 1
33 19 4 1 0
batAvg[i] = (hits[i] / atBats[i]) * 1000;
inside the parenthesis, both numbers are integers, so the expression is an integer. So if hits[i] < atBats[i] the result is zero, which then you multiply by 1000.
Try this instead:
batAvg[i] = (1000.0 * hits[i]) / atBats[i];
EDITED: 1000.0 instead of 1000 since the required result is a double.