I am struggling with the following SPARQL query executed via at DBpedia's SPARQL endpoint:
select (count(?abstract) as ?count)
where {
<http://dbpedia.org/resource/Linked_Data> dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract .
SPARQL seems pretty simple and when I look at the linked data page, it appears that expected result would be 9. But the actual response is 0. Is my understanding or expectation wrong? Could someone more experienced clarify please?
There are nine abstracts on the linked data article, but the title of the article is "Linked data", not "Linked Data", and the capitalization matters. Thus, you can do this, and see all nine abstracts getting counted:
select (count(?abstract) as ?nAbstract) {
dbpedia:Linked_data dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract
The public endpoint defines the dbpedia: prefix. It's short for http://dbpedia.org/resource, so dbpedia:Linked_data is just short for http://dbpedia.org/resource/Linked_data. That's the URI for the resource, but when you put it into a web browser, you'll get redirected to a human readable HTML version at http://dbpedia.org/page/Linked_data.