I'm writing a program in C# using Redemption to iterate through the RDOMail objects in a RDOPstStore and copy the ones marked as relevant to a new RDOPstStore. I can modify the folders in the RDOPstStore.IPMRootFolder, and do so to only leave one folder (Results). However when I go to add RDOMail items to this folder (saved in a list previously) the items do not appear in the folders Items member. Is there something I am missing in order to ensure the "added" RDOMail object is saved in the RDOPstStore object? Here is the code
//create an output session
RDOSession outputSession = new RDOSession(@"Redemption.RDOSession");
//logon/create output store
outputStore = outputSession.LogonPstStore(outputDir + '\\' + filename);
//clear the output store of any folders, we will leave only one: Results
foreach (RDOFolder folder in outputStore.IPMRootFolder.Folders)
folder.Delete(); //successful
RDOFolder resultsFolder = outputStore.IPMRootFolder.Folders.Add("Results");
foreach(RDOMail mail in relevantItems) //relevantItems gathered previously
resultsFolder.Items.Add(mail); //unsuccessful
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All help much appreciated!
OK so I was able to discover the issue. @Dmitry Streblechenko was right that I did not need to add a new PST Store after logging onto the Pst Store (which creates a new file if necessary).
BUT the true issue was in copying files to the newly created PST Store. The problem was using the RDOFolder.Items.Add(RDOMail)
function. As intuitive as this Add()
function may be the correct (or at the very least effective) approach is to use the RDOMail.CopyTo(RDOMail/RDOFolder)
function. As so...
This successfully placed the RDOMail object into the RDOFolder object, whereas the Add() function wouldn't. As a side note I read up another post @Dmitry helped on and he mentions that the Add()
function is used to create new items, so it may not be completely useless. Although it seems that one could create a new RDOMail object, modify it, then use it's CopyTo()
Lesson learned.