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google sitemap for tx_news records with dd_googlesitemap_dmf (or alternative)

I try to let typo3 generate a sitemap for all the news records. For that I tried the dd_googlesitemap_dmf extention. The dd_googlesitemap works (it creates a sitemap for all the typo3 pages - but not for extensions). I filled in the basic infos into the configuration and called the url ?eID=dd_googlesitemap&sitemap=dmf&selector=news, but all I get is a blank page (500 Internal Server Error). The error:

mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Fatal error:  Class 'tx_ddgooglesitemap_ttnews' not found in [..]/typo3conf/ext/dd_googlesitemap_dmf/class.tx_ddgooglesitemap_dmf.php on line 43

I edited theext_typoscript_setup.txt in the extention and also tried to add the typoscript directly to the page template. Here is the version of the typoscript I use (all I changed is pidList and singlePid):

plugin.dd_googlesitemap_dmf {
    # selector for your extension (same as GET selector=news)
    news {

        # uid is NECESSARY in the sqlSelect field
        sqlMainTable = tx_news_domain_model_news

        # if catList depends of column of sqlMainTable (Column name like city or country)
        sqlCatColumn = 

        # if catList depends on sqlMMTable (Only works if uid_foreign and uid_local is in use)
        sqlMMTable = tx_news_domain_model_news_category_mm

        # order of the XML output
        sqlOrder = tstamp DESC

        # last modified timestamp column (inside of sqlMainTable)
        sqlLastUpdated = tstamp

        # sql column of the title
        sqlTitle = title

        # sql column of keywords
        sqlKeywords = keywords

        # frequency
        frequency = 1

        # typolink additionalParam (must belong to the uid of the sqlMainTable)
        linkParams = tx_news_pi1[news]

        # csv Pid's of the stored elements. Rootline is not checked with this setting
        pidList = 66

        # detail page id where the link should point at
        singlePid = 103

        # filter by category which is inside of the main table -> sqlCatColumn
        catList =

        # csv filter by mm related table -> sqlMMTable
        catMMList =

        # disable the language check through GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_language_uid
        disableLanguageCheck = 0

    # sitemap eID urls for the crawler
    crawler {
        1 =

        # more than one sitemap
        # 2 =

Anyone got experience with this extention or got a good alternative?

Here the links to the ext.:

You can't install _dmf on a typo3 6.2 from the repo, (Dependencies <= 6.1.99), but the version on github works:


  • I had to downgrade dd_googlesitemap (using 1.2.0 now) to get dd_googlesitemap_dmf to work