I am interfacing Bumblebee2 camera with Nvidia Tegra TK1 board. I have installed firewire1394 driver along with coriander 2.0.2 to get the camera output and it is working fine. But I am not able to load the video for Linux module. I have installed the following two packages as well using synaptic
I have following version of Linux kernel on Nvida Tegra TK1 board.
uname -a
Linux tegra-ubuntu 3.10.40-grinch-21.3.4 #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri May 1 10:41:09 UTC 2015 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
I downloaded the stable version of Video4Linux Loopback Device from here
I follow the steps mentioned in the readme file and when I tried to make it, I got the following errors.
make -C /lib/modules/3.10.40-grinch-21.3.4/build SUBDIRS=/home/ubuntu/vloopback modules
make: *** /lib/modules/3.10.40-grinch-21.3.4/build: No such file or directory. Stop.
make: *** [all] Error 2
I would appreciate if someone can help me to install video for Linux loopback device.
Current running kernel Linux tegra-ubuntu 3.10.40-grinch-21.3.4 does not have v4l2loopback support. I used module assistant to compile v4l2loopback module.
sudo aptitude install v4l2loopback-source module-assistant
sudo module-assistant auto-install v4l2loopback-source
Don't forget to mention the current running kernel headers. Then build and make v4l2loopback from here