I'm attempting to create a custom DataGrid where I can format individual cells based on the cell value (ie; red text for negative values, green for postitive) ala this approach...
How to get Binding value of current cell in a WPFToolkit DataGrid
I also need to convert the values from negative to parenthesised (ie; -2.34 to (2.34)). I've got the inheritance/overide working. My question is, how do I get access to the values in the cells in the overridden GenerateElement method.
Thanks in advance, Phil
My approach was wrong. I needed to use IValueConverter and bind the Text and Foreground properties like so...
type FixedDecimalConverter() =
interface IValueConverter with
member this.Convert(value, targetType, parameter, culture) =
match value :?> Double with
| Globals.DataGridHelper.IsNegative x ->
sprintf "(%.2f%%)" (Math.Abs x) :> obj
| Globals.DataGridHelper.IsPositive x ->
sprintf "%.2f%%" x :> obj
member this.ConvertBack(value, targetType, parameter, culture) = raise <| NotImplementedException()
type ForegroundValueConverter() =
interface IValueConverter with
member this.Convert(value, targetType, parameter, culture) =
match value :?> Double with
| Globals.DataGridHelper.IsNegative x -> Globals.DataGridHelper.redBrush :> obj
| Globals.DataGridHelper.IsPositive x -> Globals.DataGridHelper.greenBrush :> obj
member this.ConvertBack(value, targetType, parameter, culture) = raise <| NotImplementedException()
And the Xaml...
<data:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="YTD v. Sector" x:Name="YTDvSector" Visibility="Collapsed">
<TextBlock TextAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Center"
Text="{Binding ytdSectorReturn.value, Converter={StaticResource fcFixedDecimalConverter}}"
Foreground="{Binding ytdSectorReturn.value, Converter={StaticResource fcForegroundValueConverter}}"/>
And the plumbing...
<y:FixedDecimalConverter x:Key="fcFixedDecimalConverter" />
<y:ForegroundValueConverter x:Key="fcForegroundValueConverter" />