I need to run an older verion of PyTables, that is 2.3.1, in and Anaconda environment on Linux. But I cannot install it.
conda install -n myenv pytables=2.3.1
fails finding the appropriate version.
conda install -n myenv pytables=2
installs PyTables 2.4.0 successfully. But I need 2.3.1.
Also activating the environment and installing via pip does not work.
pip install tables==2.3.1
fails with the following error:
.. ERROR:: Could not find a local HDF5 installation.
You may need to explicitly state where your local HDF5 headers and
library can be found by setting the
environmentvariable or by using the
command-line option.
Where can I find the HDF5 installation of Anaconda? And how do I pass the --hdf5
option to pip? I already tried
pip install tables==2.3.1 --install-option="--hdf5=/home/me/Programme/anaconda"
But it also fails with the same error as above.
You can try
env HDF5_DIR="/home/me/Programme/anaconda" pip install tables==2.3.1
It worked for me.