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Laravel5 crontab with MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128 error when running schedule

I have a working Laravel5 copy and everything works, and by that I mean I have ran all of these command without crontab and all of them work fun. When I run my schedule with crontab I get an Error of:

Use of undefined constant MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128 - assumed 'MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128'

What I am doing in my schedule is just testing with my own email that the schedule will send it to me. My crontab looks like:

\* \* \* \* \* php /my/artisan/location/artisan schedule:run >> /my/log/location/newLog123.txt

when I run 'php artisan schedule:run' it works perfecting. when the time on schedule is up it sends out email. So it is not an issue with that, but with the crontab task itself. I am not sure if I have to specify other locations, I know crontab runs from my home dir, so maybe I have to specify something else? I am not sure.


  • So I did figure this one out, the environment that crontab was running php in was using a different php location then what I was using, so how I fixed it was just tell it which php to use.