I have an AppleScript Library file (.scpt) saved in ~/Library/Script Libraries
which I use to call handlers from, in other scripts.
I want also want to keep that file as part of a git repository. So my idea was: create a hard link in ~/Library/Script Libraries
to the file in my repository.
When I first open the hard link, I see the exact same result as when opening the original file in my repo.
Checking the hard link in the Terminal renders the following result:
-rw-r--r--@ 2 username staff 50458 May 15 16:45 MyLibrary.scpt
Pay attention to the filesize and the number of hard links (2).
When I change something in the target file, the hard link doesn't work anymore. Even when I just open the .scpt file, and save it without a change, the hard link seems broken.
When I check the hard link in the Terminal, it shows the following:
-rw-rw-rw-@ 1 username staff 0 May 15 16:45 MyLibrary.scpt
So it is 0 bytes and the number of hard link has been reduced to 1.
Why does this not work? Does saving the original file change the inode it refers to?
I ended up solving the problem by changing my AppleScript build system in Sublime Text.
"cmd": ["/usr/bin/osascript", "$file"],
"variants": [
"name": "Script Library",
"cmd": ["/usr/bin/osacompile", "-o", "/Volumes/harddisk/Users/username/Library/Script Libraries/$file_base_name.scpt", "$file"]
I edit the .applescript file, which is tracked in the repository. When I run the Build command, the .applescript file is compiled to its .scpt variant in the Script Libraries folder.