I know this same question was asked for Entity Framework 1, but now that Entity Framework 4 has come out, and Microsoft claims that it provides all of the features of Linq to Sql + more, does Entity Framework now support lazy loading expensive properties? In Linq to Sql, this is extremely easy. There's a Delay Loaded option on any property (accessible through the Designer) that can simply be toggled on or off. Is there something similar in Entity Framework?
I've asked the question here on the MS EF forum. As you see they provided a link to a description of Table splitting in Entity Framework.
Basically the idea is to split one database table into more than one Entity which are associated by 1:1 relationships and then benefit from the usual lazy loading feature between related entities.
Not as comfortable as the delayed-loading-flag in LINQ to SQL in my opinion but at least a solution which does not require to touch your database table.
Edit: Finally MS support answered in the thread I've linked above that a "Delayed loading flag" like in LINQ to SQL definitely doesn't exist in Entity Framework.