I'm new to this so don't blame me. I am trying to develop an android app that would make music. I am trying to make a bar that rotates over a bunch of buttons that are displayed in the form of a circle, and when it does to play the sound represented by every button. However so far I managed to make an image rotate around the middle of the screen by setting x and y coordinates representing the centre of the circle, but when I try to put the formula (x + radius*sin(angle)), (y + radius*cos(angle)), it just moves the image I want to rotate at that point. So basically I am trying to rotate an Image around an circle defined by buttons or coordinates rather then an actual circle image. So I need to rotate an image or imageView around a circle, not just a point.
I have added the code ass well so you could have a look at what I'm doing wrong.
ImageView bara = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.floating_image);
layoutParams[9] = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams
(RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
toop = Math.round(size.x/2); // + 90*Math.sin(ANGLE));
lefft = Math.round(size.y/2); // + 90*Math.cos(ANGLE));
top = (int) toop;
left = (int) lefft;
layoutParams[9].setMargins(top, left, 0, 0);
RotateAnimation rAnim = new RotateAnimation(0.0f, 360.0f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0 , Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0);
rAnim.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator());
Any help would be really appreciated !!
the code looks like :
private float mCalcX;//x-coord of object
private float mCalcY;//y-coord of object
private double mCenterX;//x-coord of center of circle
private double mCenterY;//y-coord of center of circle
private double mRadius;//circle radius
private double mAngleRadians;//angle of your object to draw in RADs
// whenever you draw the object, calculate the new X and Y coords
mCalcX = (float) (mCenterX+(mRadius*Math.cos(mAngleRadians)));
mCalcY = (float) (mCenterY+(mRadius*Math.sin(mAngleRadians)));
public void setRadius(double r)
mRadius = r;
public void setStartingAngle(double radians)
mAngleRadians = radians;
public void setRotationSpeed(double radians)
mRotationSpeed = radians;
public void increaseRotationAngle()
mAngleRadians += mRotationSpeed;
public void decreaseRotationAngle()
mAngleRadians -= mRotationSpeed;